67 Salem Street, North End, Boston 617.742.0484 shakethetree@rcn.com

Mid-Summer Re-do!

A huge part of owning a small shop is keeping the displays fresh and exciting! Merchandising is probably my favorite thing to do, and a full store re-do easily takes 6-8 hours!

When I am at design trade shows, I try to imagine future display areas, picking themes, based on color, season, and motifs. I place orders from different vendors to curate how the displays will come together. Then, months later, when the inventory finally arrives, the actual setting up begins. Every few weeks, we move every single item to its perfect spot, often times changing mid-way if the look isn’t right.

Back in college, I took lots of classes at the Museum School, mostly drawing, and for years before I had the shop, I missed the flow of visual creativity in my work and home life. Doing the displays feels like a moving in-the-moment creative meditation where each piece falls into its rightful place. I’m so grateful that doing this counts as “work” because it honestly just feels like “play!”