67 Salem Street, North End, Boston 617.742.0484 shakethetree@rcn.com

FALL FAVORITES – Beauty & Balance

Every fall feels like a new beginning, that “back to school” feeling, filled with promises of taking better care of ourselves, finding gratitude and balance. Here are our top picks to get you going…

WILDFLOWER/SAGE SMUDGE BUNDLES from Mississippi-based Blackjack Wax, owned by Patrick + Courtney Trawick! They hand-wrap organic white sage, yerba santa and assorted dried wildflowers that you can use to “smudge”, an age-old ritual for cleansing energy! Some bundles also include selentite crystals and kyanite bars. We use it all the time, as part of meditation and setting intentions!

HEALING SALVES from CATHERINE RISING These sweet pocket-sized healing balms are made with coconut/olive oil, local bees wax and essential oils. Excellent for softening dry skin and they smell amazing. Made in upstate NY.

YOKE ESSENTIAL OIL PERFUME…handcrafted with blended herbs and oils in California by wellness practitioners,”Flow” is infused with rose petals and is just one of several perfumes that we carry. Made according to traditional Ayurveda practice, the makers hope to create a sense of well-being.